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How To Make Your Ride On Mower Tyres Last Longer

How To Make Your Ride On Mower Tyres Last Longer - GEO Tyres Online

If you’re like most people, you take your ride on mower for granted. You expect it to start when you turn the key, and you expect it to cut your grass without complaint. However, your ride on mower is a machine, and like all machines, it needs to be properly maintained to function at its best.


One of the most important aspects of maintaining your ride on mower is keeping the tyres in good condition. Tyres play a crucial role in the performance of your mower, and correctly maintained tyres can actually extend the life of your mower.


In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of having well-maintained lawn mower tyres, how to make your ride on mower tyres last longer, and some summer lawn care tips to extend the life of your lawn mower tyres.


The Benefits of Properly Maintained Lawn Mower Tyres

Your lawn mower tyres are one of the most important parts of your mower, and properly maintaining them can have several benefits. First and foremost, properly maintained tyres can improve the performance of your mower. Tyres that are in good condition will provide better traction, which can lead to a better cut. In addition, properly maintained tyres can help to extend the life of your mower. This is because tyres that are in good condition are less likely to fail, and when tyres fail, they can cause serious damage to your mower. Finally, properly maintained tyres can improve the safety of your mower. This is because tyres that are in good condition are less likely to slip or slide, which can lead to accidents.


How to Make Your Ride On Mower Tires Last Longer

Maintaining your ride on mower tyres is essential if you want them to last as long as possible. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your tyres: 

  • Inspect your tyres regularly: Check your tyres for any signs of wear or damage regularly. If you notice any cracks, cuts, or bald spots, be sure to replace the tyre as soon as possible. 
  • Keep your tyres clean: Dirt, debris, and grass can build up on your tyres and cause them to wear down prematurely. Be sure to clean your tyres on a regular basis to remove any build-up. 
  • Keep your tyres properly inflated: Properly inflated tyres will last longer than under-inflated tyres. Be sure to check your tyre pressure regularly and inflate them to the correct level.


Summer Lawn Care Tips to Extend the Life of Your Lawn Mower Tires

Summer is a great time to enjoy your lawn, but it’s also a time when your lawn mower tyres can take a beating. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your tyres this summer: 

  • Mow when the grass is dry: Wet grass can stick to your tyres and cause them to become clogged. To prevent this from happening, mow the grass when it is dry. 
  • Avoid obstacles: Hitting obstacles can damage your tyres. Be sure to avoid rocks, roots, and other obstacles when mowing. 
  • Store your mower properly: Store your mower in a cool, dry place when not in use. This will help to prevent your tyres from drying out and cracking.



Properly maintaining your ride on mower tyres is essential to the performance and longevity of your mower. Always remember to inspect your tyres regularly, keep them clean, and keep them inflated to the proper level. In addition, summer lawn care tips like avoiding obstacles and storing your mower properly can help to extend the life of your tyres.